The existence of aliens, often the stuff of science fiction and speculation, continues to be a topic of intrigue and...
Read moreTrinity Rowles, 20, has undergone four extensive reconstruction surgeries to her face after she was attacked last year by her...
Read moreA viral heartwrenching moment showed a grandma spoke her last words to her dying husband. And when their grandson, Qi,...
Read moreWhen Diane Staudte grew tired of her family, she decided to reach for the anti-freeze to solve her problems Church-going...
Read moreArun Rajasingh's genetic disorder means his leg weighs a tonne - now he's pleading for help to combat his condition...
Read moreOne of the most important lessons we learn when we are babies is to respect those older than us. This...
Read moreJason was in control of a typical flight when he was surprised by abrupt, loud bangs on the window of...
Read moreFor for two thousand years, theological scholars and historians have argued over what the appearance of the historical Jesus Christ...
Read moreDiscovering a Lost Gem: The Thrilling Tale of a Billy the Kid Photograph Amateur antique collector Randy Guijarro sends a...
Read moreTeenager Jack Dunn was rushed to the hospital with stomach pains so severe he could no longer walk. Doctors began...
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