Events that defy understanding are the most terrifying. When these occurrences occur, they create a lasting effect on our minds. This book contains actual testimonials from people who have shared their disturbing experiences online, with each story tinged with a profound and enduring sense of discomfort.
The most scary events are those that defy understanding. When these events occur, they have a long-lasting impact on our memories. This book comprises true testimonials from people who have shared their distressing experiences online, with each account laced with a profound and long-lasting sense of unease.
This happened in the 1990s, when my daughter was sixteen. She went on a road trip with her father’s new family. On the fifth day, I received a mail from her announcing that they would be staying for another two days. When she returned, she apologized for not contacting me.
I said, “But you did! “I received your postcard!” She lost all color in her face and said, “We didn’t send anything.” We decided not to because it would have taken more than two days to reach you anyway.” I was utterly confused.
I went to retrieve the postcard out of my closet but couldn’t find it. I was positive I had placed it in the pink box where I keep all of my postcards, but it was not there. Even after all these years, I still get shivers thinking about it. I am certain I saw the postcard and her handwriting; I recall the card’s details with incredible clarity.
Disgust can also generate a strong sense of eeriness and discomfort. This page contains some extremely cringe-worthy anecdotes that will stick with you long after you’ve finished reading them.